Adobe Flash Player end-of-life & roadmap

As previously announced, Adobe will stop distributing and updating its Flash Player after 31 December 2020 – which is why we’ve been hard at work making sure that our most popular and widely-used resources will work when Flash is no longer supported. This includes all materials in the Charanga Scheme.

Having already made tens of thousands of resources “Flash-free”, Musitrax Sing 1 and Musitrax Sing 2, which offer a child-centred approach to music teaching based on Kodály principles, will be refreshed by the end of January. Our popular Cyclic Patterns and Djembe Courses will follow in February.

Sam and Mat Dixon-Szul’s Diwali Production and our Blues Course (which has only been available as an interactive DVD in recent years) will be re-released and online by the end of April – the latter in response to feedback from our teaching community.

Additionally, a number of older or rarely-used materials will be archived and removed from the platform this month to make way for new collections. They include our Hip Hop Course.

Charanga subscribers will find a roadmap and further guidance in our Help section. You can also reach our CPD & Training team at Further updates will be published in our termly newsletters, and on our social media and news pages.

For more information, visit Adobe’s Flash Player end of life information.