Complimentary music resources for teachers to use and share
Published: 11th January 2021

In these difficult times, having the best online materials is more important than ever. To help you, we want to give you some lovely FREE music resources to share with the children.
You may not be that familiar with Charanga, but we can help you provide fun-packed, progressive music lessons that your students will really enjoy – and at this time particularly.
Free resources
Below you’ll find a series of resources – songs, musical activities and more – that you can use and share freely with your pupils.
Simply click on or forward the links to access the materials, and feel free to share them on your own learning platform. We hope the children enjoy them.
1. Here are three songs for your students to learn and sing:
2. Here are some warm-up activities that will help students get started with each song:
- Zootime (warm-up activity)
- Hands, Feet, Heart (warm-up activity)
- Bringing Us Together (warm-up activity)
3. These resources explore how music is written, using the recorder as an example:
4. And finally, here are three beginner recorder lessons for students with instruments at home:
- Blown Away Recorder (Introducing B)
- Blown Away Recorder (Introducing A)
- Blown Away Recorder (Introducing G)
Free trials and training
To explore Charanga fully, start a 30-day complimentary trial. There’s no obligation to subscribe afterwards and we won’t take any payment details. Alternatively, get a quote or order your licence today.
Teachers starting a trial are also invited to a free webinar introducing them to our platform. To secure your place, click on a convenient time and date below to register your details.
Wednesday January 13th, 16:00–16:45
Monday January 18th, 16:00–16:45
Tuesday January 26th, 16:00–16:45
Thursday January 28th, 16:00–16:45
Why Charanga?
We’re the curriculum of choice for over 60% of primary schools in England alone, offering:
- Comprehensive support for hybrid, blended and home learning, assessment and SEND/ASN
- A vast, customisable library of premium music resources, topics, songs, productions instrument courses, and creative apps
- A complete Scheme of Work and documentation to support your day-to-day music teaching in any context
Over 10,500 schools and 41,000 teachers are actively using our platform to maintain children’s access to music during the pandemic.
Need help?
If there’s anything we can do to support you, your school or students during these challenging times, just ask. You can reach us at
Try it yourself - take a free 30-day trial
See what Musical School can do for you and the young people you work with.
- Week-by-week lessons for students aged 5–11
- A customisable library of songs, creative tools and interactive teaching resources
- YuStudio®, a beginner-friendly DAW for schools
- Unlimited access for every teacher and student at your school