Nine new ‘Music At Home’ Yumu Packages out now!
Published: 5th June 2020

Nine new Yumu Packages are available for classroom and instrumental teachers supporting students working independently, or with parents and carers at home. Our Music At Home series comprises lighter versions of units and topics, complementing all existing, shareable content available on the Charanga platform.
Two Yumu Packages were added to the series recently: Tuning The Tables, a collection of original songs that help children to learn their 2–12 times tables, and a Listening Calendar introducing students to five pieces, complete with guided listening activities.
Another seven – named Encore! to encapsulate (we hope!) the joy your students will feel when revisiting and sharing previous learning – are age-specific collections. Each Yumu Package features three popular songs from the year, two carefully chosen pieces of Classical music and activities, which introduce students to a variety of musical concepts.
You’ll find all the Yumu packages here, once you’ve logged in.
If you’re yet to explore the Charanga platform in full, start your 30-day free trial. We hope you enjoy it!